Sound Baths
experience sound baths…
Sound Bathing
Sound Bathing is a form of “Vibrational Medicine” and is based on the scientific principles that all matter, and most importantly, the cells in your body, vibrate to a precise frequency when healthy and to a dissonant frequency when in dis-ease.
Gong and quartz crystal bowls create resonant vibration, rhythms and tones that balance brain hemispheres, stress levels, and even tension in body tissues and cells.
Resonance is the operating principle that sound healing rests on. The two essential aspects of resonance are:
Like attracts like
The strongest pure vibration in any given environment will bring all other like vibrations into uniformity with it.
Sound Bathing is not like music that follows a melody. The logical, analytical part of the brain can’t figure it out and eventually it allows for that part of the brain to completely disengage.
As the brain settles, the body is "bathed" or "soaked" in the healing and relaxing frequencies, waves, and vibrations. Some people are able to meditate deeply while others experience a deep quality of peace and presence. In the end, it is unlike any experience you might have had previously and you leave feeling relaxed and energetically cleansed.
Sound Bath “Experiences”
Sound Bath Experiences are a “uniquely crafted” 75 min theme-based session. Each Sound Bath “Experience” is slightly different. These “Experiences” are intended to help activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This restful state supports the body's natural healing processes, enhances immune function, and contributes to overall mental and physical well-being.
Sound Meditation
Sound Bathing is a form of "Sound Meditation”. In sound meditation the practitioner practices listening with receptivity, openness and non-judgement. Just like in other types of meditation it is natural that the mind will wander, think or judge “I like this sound” or “I don’t like this sound”. When this happens the practice is to return, re-open and relax to the ever-changing sounds of the present moment.
The Gong is and ancient therapeutic instrument that can be dated back to the Bronze Age. The gongs are a combination of overtones and undertones that branch outward into the surrounding environment. As the sound travels—the body picks up the sound. It is not just a sound one hears with the ears but it is also a feeling and sensing vibration on the skin, muscles, bones and joints. It’s said to be a cleansing process for body and subconscious mind.
Crystal Quartz Bowls:
We are made largely of silica. Quartz is also made largely of silica. This means that it is easy for the crystalline structure of our bodies to interact with the crystalline structure of clear quartz.
As the bowls are played— “sound waves” or vibration literally move through the air and into everything around it. A person can feel these waves 15-20 feet away, possibly up to 100 feet if they are energetically sensitive. Even if a person is completely deaf the crystalline vibrations of the bowls still enters their entire energetic structure and cell structure.
Upcoming classes:
Feb 8: Sound of the Heavenly Abodes: Metta or Loving Kindness
March 8: Sound of the Heavenly Abodes: Karuna or Compassion ** Co-taught with Ruby Lee
April 19: Sound of the Heavenly Abodes: Mudita or Sympathetic Joy
May 17: Sound of the Heavenly Abodes: Upekkha (Equanimity) **Co-taught with Lawrence Munoz
All events located on our events page or email us